What does a high quality tummy tuck or abdominoplasty entail?

What does a high quality tummy tuck or abdominoplasty entail?

Interested in learning more about a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty? Learn more about what a good quality procedure like this entails. Sound Plastic Surgery is a leader in many different plastic surgery procedures in the Seattle area and can help to transform your life!

A good quality abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, will address the following cosmetic issues:

  • Loose and sagging abdominal skin
  • Fatty abdominal and flank tissues
  • Transverse orientation of the belly button
  • Rounded contour of the abdominal wall


A tummy tuck procedure removes excess skin, fat and reshapes the abdominal wall into a flatter conformation, in addition to creating a more youthful belly button shape.

The scar is kept low on the pelvis, which helps conceal its position, and has the added benefit of providing some lift to the mons area and the front of the thighs.


Contact us and schedule a free tummy tuck consultation with Sound Plastic Surgery today!