Sound Plastic Surgery opens new outpatient Surgery Center in NE Seattle

Sound Plastic Surgery is pleased to announce that our new private Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) has opened adjacent to our clinic location in NE Seattle. Over the past two years, we have been des

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Earlobe Repair Surgery

Stretched, or \"gauged\" earlobe repair surgery has been gaining more popularity amongst individuals who have outgrown the aesthetic appeal of \"gauges\". If you're one of the many people who are interested in redefining your piercings, you're in luck!

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Chin Augmentation

It's no secret what role our facial features play in our overall appearance, specifically the lower half of our face. Who hasn't wished for a chin like Jon Hamm's or Keira Knightley?

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The Brazilian Butt Lift

Approximately three hours to obtain your desired figure? That's all it takes for our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons to give you the body contour that you've been dreaming of!

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The NeoGraft Solution

Hair loss. It's an unfortunate reality that most of us face over the years when you begin to notice your hair thinning out, or completely balding in some areas. For both men and women this can be extremely upsetting, which is why we offer the NeoGraft Solution here at Sound Plastic Surgery.

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