Choosing the Right Breast Surgeon: Key Factors to Consider

Every day factors such as genetics, diet, and age can contribute to the loss of muscle throughout the years, which ultimately lowers your metabolic rate. This makes it harder as we get older to lose and keep weight off.

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Breast Revision

We see breast revision patients for a number of reasons, whether they want to change their implant size, or they're experiencing physical discomfort of some kind.

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Eyelid Lift

Puffy, saggy, and/or droopy eyelids can give cause to not only aesthetic unease for some of our patients, but functional concerns as well. An eyelid lift, medically termed blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that rejuvenates the appearance of the eyelids.

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Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift

Every day factors such as genetics, diet, and age can contribute to the loss of muscle throughout the years, which ultimately lowers your metabolic rate. This makes it harder as we get older to lose and keep weight off.

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Tuberous Breast Correction

Constricted or \"tubular breasts\", is a condition caused by improper proliferating of the breast tissue during puberty. This results in the lack of breast tissue, enlarged or collapsed areolas, and/or oval shaped breasts.

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