Sound Plastic Surgery opens new outpatient Surgery Center in NE Seattle

Sound Plastic Surgery is pleased to announce that our new private Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) has opened adjacent to our clinic location in NE Seattle. Over the past two years, we have been des

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Tummy Tuck Scar Position

When discussing a tummy tuck procedure with patients, one of their most common concerns regards the incision, being that the incision is the best indicator for where your surgical scar will remain.

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Ideal Structured Implants

Choosing a breast implant that's right for you is just as personal of a choice as having the surgery performed itself. Most of our patients are familiar with the common silicone gel or saline options on the market, but in 2014 the FDA approved a third option that combines specific components of both!

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Breast Revision

We see breast revision patients for a number of reasons, whether they want to change their implant size, or they're experiencing physical discomfort of some kind.

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Eyelid Lift

Puffy, saggy, and/or droopy eyelids can give cause to not only aesthetic unease for some of our patients, but functional concerns as well. An eyelid lift, medically termed blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that rejuvenates the appearance of the eyelids.

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Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift

Every day factors such as genetics, diet, and age can contribute to the loss of muscle throughout the years, which ultimately lowers your metabolic rate. This makes it harder as we get older to lose and keep weight off.

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Tuberous Breast Correction

Constricted or \"tubular breasts\", is a condition caused by improper proliferating of the breast tissue during puberty. This results in the lack of breast tissue, enlarged or collapsed areolas, and/or oval shaped breasts.

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Breast Augmentation Highlight

For women, nurturing new life can take its toll on the body's overall appearance. After volume loss due to breastfeeding, this 40-year-old mother came to our clinic seeking a fuller breast profile while still maintaining a natural look.

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Neograft FUE

The NeoGraft FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique restores hair volume to patients who have been experiencing gradual hair loss. Unlike the strip method, this procedure doesn't require scalpels, which means no incisions, stitches, or scarring.

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Real patients leave Real reviews!

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Nose Reshaping

Nose reshaping, medically termed Rhinoplasty, has been on the up rise for the cosmetic correction of \"bumpy\" nose profiles, enlarged or hooked nasal tips, wide or upturned nostrils, nose width, and nasal asymmetry.

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Patient Highlight- Breast Augmentation

After raising her family, this 46-year-old mother of two came to us wanting a rejuvenated, and fuller breast contour.

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ASPS Body Enhancement Stats

Have you been seriously considering cosmetic plastic surgery lately? Well the numbers are in, and according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were 17.7 million surgical and minimally invasive procedures performed in the United States in 2018.

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Gynecomastia Surgery (Male Breast Reduction)

Male breast reduction is a surgical procedure used to relieve symptoms of gynecomastia, a condition that causes overdeveloped breasts in men.

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Intra-Operative Breast Reduction

Intra-operative Breast Reduction with superior-medial pedicle performed by the plastic surgeons at Sound Plastic Surgery. Over one pound of tissue was removed from each breast.

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Botox vs Sweat

Whether it is due to exercise, outside temperatures, or work, sweating is the body's natural \"cooling\" system when we get too warm. Of course, there are plenty of OTC products that reduce some of those natural effects, but did you know that Botox is FDA approved to treat excess sweating of the underarms, clinically known as hyperhidrosis?

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